Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Finisterre or Bust - Day 2

Total distance today = 13.2 miles
Total ascent today = 1,148 feet
Total Finisterre miles = 27.1 miles
Cumulative miles = 517.6 miles

Another gorgeous day in Galicia.  Walked out of Negreira through the ancient town wall,
past an intriguing statue

It's called the Esatua emigrants.  It portrays a Galician man leaving his family to seek work in a brave new world, as has happened for generations in Galicia. 

We were soon on wooded paths and small country roads, much like yesterday, that took us uphill.
And to a view of Negreira. 

But then we were guided onto a busy high speed road with hardly any shoulders. 
And the drivers didn't slow down at all. We were off and on this road several times today.

We were up and down a few times today, so we got some nice views on the ups,

We were up with the windmills again. 

And saw some interesting horrerios when down in the villages.

First stone ones we've seen. 

While out on the highway for the second or third time, we saw something pretty crazy.  A peregrino walking uphill with a unicycle. As soon as we came to a downhill section he started to ride it. 
He did it on a dirt road too. 

This is a good representation of the local coat of arms that I wrote about yesterday, depicting God striking down a local bridge to protect followers of St. James from the attacking Romans:

The afternoon was warmer and more humid than we are used to, and the paths weren't shaded, so we dragged a bit after lunch. 

Even the cows weren't moving very much 

After about 13 miles, we reached our destination for the day, Cafe Vitoriano in Santa Maria. There are no good accommodations for another 12 km, a distance we want decided not to tackle. So, we made arrangements for a taxi to take us back to where we stayed last night. Tomorrow morning we will taxi back and resume hiking from the cafe. Three more days should get us to the end...

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