Friday, June 13, 2014

Burgos - Rest Day

Slept in! Yay!

Late breakfast and then off to tour the Burgos Cathedral. The domes were amazing.  

I've included the best pictures I took on the iPhone, but there is no way to do justice to everything we saw.  You will just have to google it.  

We returned to our hotel room to see if at long last the boots had arrived. No!  A call to FedEx. They assured us the boots were on the van. We waited. Finally, a call from the front desk.

They're here. A shoe change and we headed out for the afternoon. 

We ate lunch at a small cafe near the Museo de la Evelucion Humana.  A true Spanish style lunch-abut two hours. The museum didn't open for the afternoon until 4:30. 

Remember the town of Atapuerca where the discovered our oldest, cannibalistic, human ancestor in Europe?  This museum was created to study, store and display the archaeological finds on the mountain we hiked over yesterday, the Sierra de Atapuerca. The museum is a large 4 story building that is mostly empty. The displays and descriptions (in English as well as Spanish) were mediocre, but it was sort of interesting to see many millions wasted on a collection of a few random fossils that would fill only a few buckets. Seems more an economic development investment than a real historical museum based in science. It is hard to miss the dichotomy of having a museum on human evolution directly across the river from one of the Catholic religion's major cathedrals. 

We walked around several lively plazas, took few more exterior pictures of the Cathedral, had an early dinner and bed. 

We set out again tomorrow. It will be a long day with no shade, and our hotel for tomorrow night is a couple miles off the Camino route, so we will meet a driver at a town, and be returned the next morning to the same spot. Should be interesting, but we are refreshed and looking forward to getting back on the trail.

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