Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fromista to Carrion de Los Condes

Total distance today = 12.7 miles
Total ascent today = 64 feet
Cumulative distance = 234.7 miles

Nice walk today. Nothing extraordinary. Just a nice 13 mile walk on almost level ground. 

We saw our first "bus" peregrinos today. As we walked away from the Iglesia de San Martin, a tour bus pulled up across the street and a bunch of people got off with their day packs and walking sticks. We were enveloped in the chattering and stick tips clacking along the cement. After a few feet, we stepped to the side of the path to let them all go by. Not that we need total silence while we walk, but the incessant yakking was a bit much. Best to let them go. 

Just as we left Fromista, on the A-67 bridge we saw this pilgrim sculpture. 

About three miles outside of Fromista, we had a decision to make.  The new "official" route stayed on a path right next to the road. But the older route ran parallel to the road, but about a quarter mile away, next to the river. We chose the later thinking it would offer a more pleasant environment, more trees and hopefully fewer bus peregrinos. We were right on all three counts. 

This serenity lasted for about six miles before we rejoined the road into Carrion de Los Condes. 

We passed a wine cellar built into the ground. 

As we entered Carrion, we came upon yet another pilgrim statue, and

Yet another kind of way sign.

Our hotel tonight is Real Monasterio San Zoilo, an 11th century monastary that is now a national monument and hotel. Really quite nice. 


  1. I'd prefer to take the "more pleasant environment, more trees and hopefully fewer bus peregrinos" route, too. Good choice.

  2. Trees! Haven't seen those in your pics for a while. Must be nice to have some shade for a while.

  3. Trees! Must be lovely to have some shade for a while!
