Monday, June 16, 2014

Castrojeriz to Fromista

Total distance today =15.6 miles
Total ascent = 951 feet
Cumulative distance = 222.0 miles

Another great day. It began with a short, level warm up walk before we hit the first real ascent of the day. 

We walked where the Romans walked centuries ago as we crossed the causeway over a dry rio Odrilla. 

Halfway up the slopes of the Monstelares, we paused with some other peregrinos and took turns snapping photos of our various groups. They took this one of us... You can see the hill in the background, where we spent the previous night in Castrojeriz. 

We were the lucky ones. Some pilgrims never made it. 

At the top of the mountain,  Alto deMostelares, there is another pilgrim's monument. 

We weren't at the top of the meseta for long. Almost immediately, we dropped back down, but the view!

Another unfortunate soul didn't make it to the bottom. 

 Just before the Camino crosses rio Pisuerga, we stopped at the Ermita de San Nicolas,a pilgrim hostel ( no electricity), built in the 13th century. 

The Puente de Itero (bridge) is an 11 arched bridge that carries automobile traffic one way at a time. 

After crossing the bridge, we were in the Palencia region of Spain. 

And new markers. Unfortunately, whatever plaque was under the symbolic shell has been stolen from every marker. 

Lunch was in Itero de la Vega. Not much of a town,  but there is a stork's nest on their church.

After lunch we spent most of the afternoon walking along the Canal de Castilla

It enables intensive farming in most of the Castille region. At various points along the canal, there are valves to allow water into irrigation troughs that carry the water out to the field sprinklers.

Some Castillions even find dinner in the canal. 

The canal ended at some old non functioning locks.  These were used when boats took the grain harvest to market years ago. 

After our longest walking day yet, we arrived on Fromista, with its famous Romanesque church.  

I didn't find the famous Adam and Eve capital, but below are a couple of my favorites. 

Some outside shots. 

Our hotel for the evening was just across the plaza. Very convenient. 

1 comment:

  1. Had to go back to the beginning to see that you logged a 15.6 mile day! Wow -- doing good. Also noticed a lot of blue skies in the photos. And a very nice pic of you, two as well.
